(PHP 4, PHP 5)
round — Округляет число типа float
float round
( float $val
[, int $precision
] )
Возвращает округлённое значение val с указанной точностью precision (количество цифр после запятой). Последняя может быть отрицательной или нулём (по умолчанию).
Пример #1 Примеры функции round()
echo round(3.4); // 3
echo round(3.5); // 4
echo round(3.6); // 4
echo round(3.6, 0); // 4
echo round(1.95583, 2); // 1.96
echo round(1241757, -3); // 1242000
echo round(5.045, 2); // 5.05
echo round(5.055, 2); // 5.06
Замечание: PHP по умолчанию не может правильно обрабатывать строки типа "12,300.2". Для подробностей см. Строки.
Замечание: параметр precision был добавлен в PHP 4.
См. также: ceil(), floor() и number_format().
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
- Индекс функций
- Справочник функций
- Математические расширения
- Математические функции
- abs
- acos
- acosh
- asin
- asinh
- atan2
- atan
- atanh
- base_convert
- bindec
- ceil
- cos
- cosh
- decbin
- dechex
- decoct
- deg2rad
- exp
- expm1
- floor
- fmod
- getrandmax
- hexdec
- hypot
- intdiv
- is_finite
- is_infinite
- is_nan
- lcg_value
- log10
- log1p
- log
- max
- min
- mt_getrandmax
- mt_rand
- mt_srand
- octdec
- pi
- pow
- rad2deg
- rand
- round
- sin
- sinh
- sqrt
- srand
- tan
- tanh
If you'd only want to round for displaying variables (not for calculating on the rounded result) then you should use printf with the float:
<?php printf ("%6.2f",3.39532); ?>
This returns: 3.40 .
Here's a function to round to an arbitary number of significant digits. Don't confuse it with rounding to a negative precision - that counts back from the decimal point, this function counts forward from the Most Significant Digit.
round(1241757, -3); // 1242000
RoundSigDigs(1241757, 3); // 1240000
Works on negative numbers too. $sigdigs should be >= 0
function RoundSigDigs($number, $sigdigs) {
$multiplier = 1;
while ($number < 0.1) {
$number *= 10;
$multiplier /= 10;
while ($number >= 1) {
$number /= 10;
$multiplier *= 10;
return round($number, $sigdigs) * $multiplier;
This function will let you round to an arbitrary non-zero number. Zero of course causes a division by zero.
function roundTo($number, $to){
return round($number/$to, 0)* $to;
echo roundTo(87.23, 20); //80
echo roundTo(-87.23, 20); //-80
echo roundTo(87.23, .25); //87.25
echo roundTo(.23, .25); //.25
Here is function that rounds to a specified increment, but always up. I had to use it for price adjustment that always went up to $5 increments.
function roundUpTo($number, $increments) {
$increments = 1 / $increments;
return (ceil($number * $increments) / $increments);
this function (as all mathematical operators) takes care of the setlocale setting, resulting in some weirdness when using the result where the english math notation is expected, as the printout of the result in a width: style attribute!
echo round($a, 2); // 0.75
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'it_IT@euro', 'it_IT', 'it');
echo round($b,2); // 0,75
round() will sometimes return E notation when rounding a float when the amount is small enough - see . Apparently it's a feature.
To work around this "feature" when converting to a string, surround your round statement with an sprintf:
sprintf("%.10f", round( $amountToBeRounded, 10));
function mround($val, $f=2, $d=6){
return sprintf("%".$d.".".$f."f", $val);
echo mround(34.89999); //34.90
I discovered that under some conditions you can get rounding errors with round when converting the number to a string afterwards.
To fix this I swapped round() for number_format().
Unfortunately i cant give an example (because the number cant be represented as a string !)
essentially I had round(0.688888889,2);
which would stay as 0.68888889 when printed as a string.
But using number_format it correctly became 0.69.
In my opinion this function lacks two flags:
- PHP_ROUND_UP - Always round up.
- PHP_ROUND_DOWN - Always round down.
In accounting, it's often necessary to always round up, or down to a precision of thousandths.
function round_up($number, $precision = 2)
$fig = (int) str_pad('1', $precision, '0');
return (ceil($number * $fig) / $fig);
function round_down($number, $precision = 2)
$fig = (int) str_pad('1', $precision, '0');
return (floor($number * $fig) / $fig);
Unexpected result or misunderstanding (php v5.5.9)
echo round(1.55, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN); // 1.5
echo round(1.551, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN); //1.6
If you have negative zero and you need return positive number simple add +0:
$number = -2.38419e-07;
var_dump(round($number,1) + 0);//float(0)
* Round to first significant digit
* +N to +infinity
* -N to -infinity
function round1stSignificant ( $N ) {
if ( $N === 0 ) {
return 0;
$x = floor ( log10 ( abs( $N ) ) );
return ( $N > 0 )
? ceil( $N * pow ( 10, $x * -1 ) ) * pow( 10, $x )
: floor( $N * pow ( 10, $x * -1 ) ) * pow( 10, $x );
echo round1stSignificant( 39144818 ) . PHP_EOL;
echo round1stSignificant( 124818 ) . PHP_EOL;
echo round1stSignificant( 0.07468 ) . PHP_EOL;
echo round1stSignificant( 0 ) . PHP_EOL;
echo round1stSignificant( -0.07468 ) . PHP_EOL;
* Output
* 40000000
* 200000
* 0.08
* 0
* -0.08
As PHP doesn't have a a native number truncate function, this is my solution - a function that can be usefull if you need truncate instead round a number.
* Truncate a float number, example: <code>truncate(-1.49999, 2); // returns -1.49
* truncate(.49999, 3); // returns 0.499
* </code>
* @param float $val Float number to be truncate
* @param int f Number of precision
* @return float
function truncate($val, $f="0")
if(($p = strpos($val, '.')) !== false) {
$val = floatval(substr($val, 0, $p + 1 + $f));
return $val;
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