(PHP 4, PHP 5)
sqrt — Square root
float sqrt
( float $arg
Returns the square root of arg .
Список параметров
- arg
The argument to process
Возвращаемые значения
The square root of arg or the special value NAN for negative numbers.
Пример #1 sqrt() example
// Precision depends on your precision directive
echo sqrt(9); // 3
echo sqrt(10); // 3.16227766 ...
- PHP Руководство
- Функции по категориям
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- Справочник функций
- Математические расширения
- Математические функции
- abs
- acos
- acosh
- asin
- asinh
- atan2
- atan
- atanh
- base_convert
- bindec
- ceil
- cos
- cosh
- decbin
- dechex
- decoct
- deg2rad
- exp
- expm1
- floor
- fmod
- getrandmax
- hexdec
- hypot
- intdiv
- is_finite
- is_infinite
- is_nan
- lcg_value
- log10
- log1p
- log
- max
- min
- mt_getrandmax
- mt_rand
- mt_srand
- octdec
- pi
- pow
- rad2deg
- rand
- round
- sin
- sinh
- sqrt
- srand
- tan
- tanh
if you want a custom square root. Use pow() or powLogExp function (custom).
100 root 3. In math is same as 1 divide with 3 (important)
$root = 1/3;
echo pow(1000, $root);
echo powLogExp(1000, $root);
function powLogExp($num1, $num2){
$num3 = log($num1) * $num2;
return exp($num3);
With this, you might using more complex 'root'
reference: counting math using log