Класс SplQueue

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)


Класс SplQueue предоставляет основные функциональные возможности очереди, реализованные с использованием двусвязного списка.

Обзор классов

SplQueue extends SplDoublyLinkedList implements Iterator , ArrayAccess , Countable {
/* Методы */
__construct ( void )
mixed dequeue ( void )
void enqueue ( mixed $value )
void setIteratorMode ( int $mode )
/* Наследуемые методы */
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::add ( mixed $index , mixed $newval )
public mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::bottom ( void )
public int SplDoublyLinkedList::count ( void )
public mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::current ( void )
public bool SplDoublyLinkedList::isEmpty ( void )
public mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::key ( void )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::next ( void )
public mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetGet ( mixed $index )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet ( mixed $index , mixed $newval )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetUnset ( mixed $index )
public mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::pop ( void )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::prev ( void )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::push ( mixed $value )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::rewind ( void )
public string SplDoublyLinkedList::serialize ( void )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::setIteratorMode ( int $mode )
public mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::shift ( void )
public mixed SplDoublyLinkedList::top ( void )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::unserialize ( string $serialized )
public void SplDoublyLinkedList::unshift ( mixed $value )
public bool SplDoublyLinkedList::valid ( void )



SplQueue inherits from SplDoublyLinkedList. So, objects of SplQueue support methods push() and pop(). But please be advised that if you use push() and pop() methods on a SplQueue object, it behaves like a stack rather than a queue.

For example:

$q = new SplQueue();

Above code returns:

SplQueue Object
    [flags:SplDoublyLinkedList:private] => 4
    [dllist:SplDoublyLinkedList:private] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => 2

Note that 3 got popped and *not* 1.

So, please make sure that you use only enqueue() and dequeue() methods on a SplQueue object and *not* push() and pop().
2014-02-10 12:56:42
You can use shift/unshift and push/pop to dequeue/undequeue and queue/unqueue respectively. Really handy for those applications that use sockets where you might not know you can't send data until you attempt to.

for example, this is a function for an application that will un-dequeue the remainder of the data if socket_write indicated it did not write the entire contents of the provided data.

function processSendQueue($socket$sendQueue) {
    while (!
$sendQueue->isEmpty()) {
//shift() is the same as dequeue()
$senditem $sendQueue->shift();

//returns the number of bytes written.
$rtn socket_write($socket$senditem);
        if (
$rtn === false) {
            throw new 
exception("send error: " socket_last_error($socket));
        if (
$rtn strlen($senditem) {
2014-12-31 06:49:15
Take care that SplQueue::valid() is not returning true if the queue has nodes. Use isEmpty() instead:

$queue = new SplQueue();
var_dump($queue->valid()); // false
var_dump(!$queue->isEmpty()); // true
2016-09-23 13:16:43
= new SplQueue();


$queue->dequeue(); //remove first one


SplQueue Object
    [flags:SplDoublyLinkedList:private] => 4
    [dllist:SplDoublyLinkedList:private] => Array
            [0] => A
            [1] => B
            [2] => C

SplQueue Object
    [flags:SplDoublyLinkedList:private] => 4
    [dllist:SplDoublyLinkedList:private] => Array
            [0] => B
            [1] => C

2017-07-12 10:07:24
As was said before, the push () and pop () methods on a SplQueue object, its behave like a stack rather than a queue.

Knowing that the enqueue () and dequeue () methods are respectively aliases of push () and shift () methods, we can also use SplQueue :: push () and SplQueue :: shift () for the same purpose as SplQueue :: enqueue and SplQueue :: dequeue.
2021-03-01 09:13:08
Answer to Manu Manjunath post (#114336).

IMO, pop() works as expected.

There are 2 main groups of methods:

1) pop() & push() are inherited from SplDoublyLinkedList and can be applied to SplStack as well as SplQueue (ie are "faceless"). It isn't about stack or queue; it's just about deleting / adding element to the end of the list;

2) the same situation with shift() & unshift(): it is just about adding an element to the beginning of the list, and doesn't matter, if we use it on SplStack or SplQueue.

So, yes, $q->pop(); will remove *last* element from SplQueue $q.

But enqueue() & dequeue() *are about* SplQueue. FIFO principle is realized by these methods, which were implemented *exactly* for queue purpose:
- enqueue() adds an element to the end of the queue and is alias for "faceless" push() (FI...);
- dequeue() removes element from the beginning of the queue and is alias for "faceless" shift() (...FO).

If you want to delete *next in line* element from *queue*, use dequeue().
If you want to delete *last* element from the list (doesn't matter, if it's queue or stack), use pop().
2021-05-18 22:58:07

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