(PHP 4, PHP 5)
imagepsencodefont — Change the character encoding vector of a font
, string $encodingfile
)Loads a character encoding vector from a file and changes the fonts encoding vector to it. As a PostScript fonts default vector lacks most of the character positions above 127, you'll definitely want to change this if you use a language other than English.
If you find yourself using this function all the time, a much better way to define the encoding is to set ps.default_encoding in the configuration file to point to the right encoding file and all fonts you load will automatically have the right encoding.
A font resource, returned by imagepsloadfont().
The exact format of this file is described in T1libs documentation. T1lib comes with two ready-to-use files, IsoLatin1.enc and IsoLatin2.enc.
Return Values
Returns TRUE
on success or FALSE
on failure.
Example #1 imagepsencodefont() example
// Load a .pfb font file
$font = imagepsloadfont('./px3l.pfb');
// Tell T1lib to use ISO Latin 1 encoding
imagepsencode($font, './IsoLatin1.enc');
// Do any operations with the font here
// Free the font from memory
Note: This function is only available if PHP is compiled using --with-t1lib[=DIR] .
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- getimagesizefromstring
- image_type_to_extension
- image_type_to_mime_type
- image2wbmp
- imageaffine
- imageaffinematrixconcat
- imageaffinematrixget
- imagealphablending
- imageantialias
- imagearc
- imagechar
- imagecharup
- imagecolorallocate
- imagecolorallocatealpha
- imagecolorat
- imagecolorclosest
- imagecolorclosestalpha
- imagecolorclosesthwb
- imagecolordeallocate
- imagecolorexact
- imagecolorexactalpha
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- imagecolorresolvealpha
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- imagecopyresized
- imagecreate
- imagecreatefromgd2
- imagecreatefromgd2part
- imagecreatefromgd
- imagecreatefromgif
- imagecreatefromjpeg
- imagecreatefrompng
- imagecreatefromstring
- imagecreatefromwbmp
- imagecreatefromwebp
- imagecreatefromxbm
- imagecreatefromxpm
- imagecreatetruecolor
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- imagecropauto
- imagedashedline
- imagedestroy
- imageellipse
- imagefill
- imagefilledarc
- imagefilledellipse
- imagefilledpolygon
- imagefilledrectangle
- imagefilltoborder
- imagefilter
- imageflip
- imagefontheight
- imagefontwidth
- imageftbbox
- imagefttext
- imagegammacorrect
- imagegd2
- imagegd
- imagegif
- imagegrabscreen
- imagegrabwindow
- imageinterlace
- imageistruecolor
- imagejpeg
- imagelayereffect
- imageline
- imageloadfont
- imagepalettecopy
- imagepalettetotruecolor
- imagepng
- imagepolygon
- imagepsbbox
- imagepsencodefont
- imagepsextendfont
- imagepsfreefont
- imagepsloadfont
- imagepsslantfont
- imagepstext
- imagerectangle
- imagerotate
- imagesavealpha
- imagescale
- imagesetbrush
- imagesetinterpolation
- imagesetpixel
- imagesetstyle
- imagesetthickness
- imagesettile
- imagestring
- imagestringup
- imagesx
- imagesy
- imagetruecolortopalette
- imagettfbbox
- imagettftext
- imagetypes
- imagewbmp
- imagewebp
- imagexbm
- iptcembed
- iptcparse
- jpeg2wbmp
- png2wbmp
Because I have had problems with this function to find out that there is no result to store in a variable, a short example how to use:
$font = imagepsloadfont( "/home/www/font/Arial.pfb" );
imagepsencodefont( $font, "/home/www/font/IsoLatin1.enc" );
afterwards you can use the resource $font in each other ps function like imagepstext() or imagepsbbox().
The t1lib-5.0.0 source includes 5 different encoding files under Fonts/enc/. For my text with German umlauts, using IsoLatin1.enc did not work, but PSLatin1.enc did the trick.